Starting university

University. A big old scary word. I’ve heard many different stories and opinions on university. But we can all agree that it’s first and foremost, an expensive place…

This September of 2018, I am stepping on that journey. Am I excited? Yes. Am I nervous? Yes. Am I looking forward to sleepless nights and stressful exams? No?!

Yet, here I am, ready to take on the challenges that’ll be thrown in my way, just so that in the end, I’ll receive a piece of paper saying that I officially made it through 2 years of intense work. Worth it? Yes I truly believe so!

When I was younger I always dreamed of attending a big university like University of Montreal or University of Ottawa etc. Turns out, I picked one of the smallest university in Nova Scotia and the only French one as well! Ironic. But I am so glad I did.

When we’re young, we’re pretty naïve to the world, but as I grew I realized that I’d rather my teacher to know my name and my last name than to be just a number to them amongst 200+ other students in the class. I’d rather a family away from home, than to be just a student around campus.

I am so scared yet so thrilled to start this new chapter in my life. I hope I get to complete my pre-med and make it to medical school. I aspire to be a pediatrician and I will be one, one day. University is just a step leading me to that dream.


Madgi Thaim – Medical Administration & Patient Care Coordinator