You already know the importance of cleaning your face every morning and evening. But after a long day at work, a night out on the town, or a busy day running around, it can be tempting to skimp on makeup removal from time to time. A splash of soap and water on your face will not do the trick. If you think a shower will remove your makeup while you clean the rest of your body, you may want to think about it again. There is a right way and plenty of wrong ways to remove makeup. 

It can be tempting to grab those makeup removal wipes and call your face clean in a world where convenience is important. However, due to the complex structure of our facial skin, a little more love and care are needed to properly clean and hydrate. You also want to factor in the durability of makeup today. Many products offer 24-hour wear or are waterproof, making removal of these types of makeup a meticulous process. 

Dont worry! There is an equally powerful and effective skin cleanser ready for action for every long-lasting cosmetic available. Let’s take a look at how to remove makeup properly.  

Getting Started

Before removing your makeup, the first thing you should do is wash your hands. Your hands will come in close contact with your face, eyes, and mouth; therefore, you want them to be clean and sanitized. This sounds silly, as your hands will probably touch the soap and cleanser you are using, but always make it a habit to wash your hands first. 

Next, be sure to pull your hair out of your face. You’re going to want to clean your hairline thoroughly and try to keep your cleaning products out of your hair. Why is the hairline significant? When you apply foundation or contour, your makeup reaches the outer edges of your face. This is an easy place to overlook when you remove makeup. 

Once those two tasks are complete, it is time to get your cleansing tools ready for action. 

Step 1: Eye Makeup Removal

Eye makeup can be the most stubborn makeup to remove. Almost everyone has experienced the dreaded raccoon eyes after trying unsuccessfully to remove eyeliner or mascara in one pass. And since most eye makeup tends to be waterproof or long-lasting, this can provoke some harsh scrubbing and rubbing of the area. Remember, the skin around your eyes is very thin and delicate. While this area can be prone to wrinkles, you can slow that process down by cleaning the area gently. 

When choosing a makeup remover tool, it is best to use either a clean microfiber cloth or flat makeup remover pads. Cotton balls, though soft, can leave fibers behind, and you don’t want them ending up in your eyes. You probably want to choose an eye makeup removing cleanser specifically formulated to tackle stubborn, long-lasting eye makeup. Close your eyes and gently place your eye makeup remover pad on your eyelids. Let it soak for 15 seconds to break down the makeup. Then, use a gentle circular motion to clear the eye area. Don’t forget the edge of the eyelid where mascara and eyeliner tend to build up. 

Step 2: Lipstick Removal

Just like many eye makeup products on the market, lip colors are being built to last until the end of time. Even though most lip cosmetics are more nourishing than eyeliner or eyeshadow, you still want to be sure to remove them as part of your cleaning routine. 

All you need to do is apply a gentle oil-based cleanser to your lips. You can use your clean fingers or another cotton pad. If your lip color is really long-lasting, you can apply Vaseline before you begin and gently scrub the color off. If you are still struggling with lipstick removal, a gentle bristled toothbrush can come in hand. Use light circular motions to remove the product from your lips. Once you’re done, wipe away excess product and lock in moisture with a gentle lip balm. 

Step 3: Facial Cleanser

Most cleansers require your skin to be wet to work, so wash your face with water using your clean hands. Then, massage your cleanser in a circular motion around your face and neck. Don’t be too stingy with your product. Rinse the cleanser off and repeat the process to make sure you remove all the dirt, debris, and makeup. 

There are many different types of cleansers on the market. You may want to purchase one or two different types depending on your needs. For example, cream cleansers contain moisturizers and work great if you have dry skin. If a cream cleanser feels too heavy, you can opt for a gel cleanser. These are oil-free and work well with oily or sensitive skin. Gel cleansers are perfect for removing waterproof and long-lasting makeup. 

Micellar water is another cleanser choice; it is simple but gets the job done. Micellar water contains glycerin which combats inflammation as well. Oil cleansers remove impurities and most makeup. They are best suited for a two-step cleanser routine. 

One of the most common mistakes you can make when washing your face is choosing the wrong facial cleanser for your skin type. If you have dry skin, you don’t want to use a facial cleanser for oily skin and vice versa. If you have facial acne, you may want to choose a cleanser that is gentle enough to clean but powerful enough to help with your acne symptoms. Before purchasing your facial cleanser, read the label to find the best fit for your face and skin type. Normal to dry skin? Reach for a hydrating and creaming cleanser. Oily skin? You will want to keep an eye out for foamy or gel facial cleansers.

Step 4: Toners and Moisturizers 

Gently pat dry your face. Once complete, you can apply toner or skip right to moisturizing. While toner is optional, it is an excellent choice if you want to condition your skin and remove any excess oil or dirt left behind after your very meticulous cleansing. If you choose to use toner, you’ll want to apply it to your face before moisturizing. Remember, moisturizing is always the final step (unless you’re applying sunscreen, which is the second to the final step). 

It would help if you washed your face every morning before putting your makeup on since your face can attract dirt, dust, and other particles in your sleep. You should also always wash your face before bedtime. We’re all guilty of sleeping with makeup on at least once, but this can wreak havoc on your skin. 

What Happens When You Don’t Remove Makeup Correctly?

If you rely on baby wipes, cosmetic wipes, showers, or that quick splash of water on your face, you may experience undesirable skin changes. For example, not properly removing your makeup can increase your risk of breakouts due to clogged pores. This means more skin imperfections such as pimples and even acne (which can lead to scarring if not properly treated). You may also notice your complexion is duller in the morning because when your pores can’t “breathe,” your skin can dry out. Also, clogged pores may become more visible. 

A Few More Tips

Make sure you take your time with makeup removal for healthy glowing skin. Don’t rush the process. You also want to make sure you address your jawline and neck in addition to your face and near your ears. Always remove your makeup gently so as not to damage the thin skin tissue around your eyes and nose. Choose a designated towel for pat drying after cleansing, and use that towel only for drying your clean face. 

Finding the Right Products

If you do not know exactly what your skin type is, or if you’re unsure what cleanser is most appropriate for the type of makeup you typically wear, you may want to ask the experts at First Impressions Rejuvenation Clinic. The knowledgeable and compassionate staff can offer plenty of skincare options, from determining your skin’s most basic needs to recommending the right cleansers and toners for you. First Impressions Rejuvenation Clinic takes out the guesswork of skincare so you can live your best and most vibrant life. 


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