A thank you note

I’ve only worked here for about a month now. And it just hit me how much I’ve come so close to my colleagues. From the beginning of my journey into this job, I’ve felt safe, at home and so much closer to my colleagues than I ever thought I would.

I want to take the time to thank them. I want to thank them for guiding me through this job, for being patient with me, for being so considerate and sweet to me. I want to thank them for the many laughters, for the hectic days and for the passionate talks we’ve exchanged. I want to thank them for making me feel comfortable right away. I opened up to them so easily, when I tend to take awhile to warm up. It just felt right and safe to do so.

But most of all, I want to thank them for putting their trust in me. I was so honoured to have worked with such intelligent, fun and loving people like you!

Leslie, I am so glad we met. You’ve shown me so much respect and patience. Everytime we talked, it was fun yet so educational! I loved learning more about you, your cute family and your awesome renovating business! Even though our time together wasn’t too long, every minute of it was greatly appreciated! Thank you so much, Leslie.

Deborah, I lost count of how many times I’ve thanked you! From the start, you ensured that I was comfortable with my work. And within a week, we were talking like we’ve known each other for years! I loved chatting with you, learning with you and mostly loved being your little reminder! I am so grateful that you chose to trust me and hire me into this business that was at first, a new world to me, but quickly became so familiar. Your business is awesome, I wish it all the best and hope to see it grow around the world! Thank you so much, Deborah.

To the both of you, I thank again and again and again. I can’t stress how much you mean to me and how much of an impact you left in my life!

This is just a goodbye, I’ll be visiting as much as I can, but for now, I’ll say see you later!
Much love and respect to the both of you,
Madji Thiam.

P.S: Yes I know, this was a pretty cheesy thank you note, but I meant every word!